Waking up the artist within

Methods for liberating your artist within:

1) First thing out of bed, after you empty your bladder and wash, listen INTO the silence while slowly dancing in silence. Be gentle. In this way, you are connecting your emotions and body together before the verbal head noise has a chance to take hold.

If you are a dreamer and like doing dream work, then I’d encourage, doing this in the dark while staying in reflection of your dream. Perhaps you can move/dance various aspects of your dream.

Pay attention to the pas de deux of your emotional self and physical self.

What do you notice?

It is recommended to discourage intellectual reprimands or direction. Instead put your intellect to work by paying attention to the emotional self by “listening/observing” as deeply and honestly as possible!

2) The sooner you can go from deep sleep to creating, the better. It’s easiest (for many myself included) to go from sleep to Muse. In this way, you don’t have to sweep out of your way all the tensions, or travel from mundane to Muse. Waking up from R.E.M. is the closest you’ll probably get all day from MUSE realm, so just silently dance from R.E.M. to MUSE. You are more likely to be more focused and concentrated while creating AND more likely to be focused and concentrated with your tasks later in the day without the MUSE tapping you on the shoulder nudging you for your MUSE time.

3) Schedule your regular appointment with your muse and show up for your meeting. Hopefully she will too. Know when that is.

4) Hopefully, the muse will contact you for impromptu adventures. Wonderful - let them be extras.

5) Work on the skills of your craft religiously and keep your work room ready for work. This way, when your scheduled or spontaneous muse time occurs, you are ready.

6) If your muse doesn’t show up, don’t worry about it. Find something to work on. Start work without her. When she shows up, you’ll be in better shape to improve or start anew.

7) Follow your heart, not to be confused with discouragement. The heart is courageous. It’s the heady ego that is discouraging. BON COURAGE!

All best wishes. In gratitude,
